1 | DEMBE FM - 90.4 Plays Ugandan songs 209 times per day. Played 936 Ugandan songs over 6,273 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
2 | SPARK TV Plays Ugandan songs 165 times per day. Played 990 Ugandan songs over 4,960 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
3 | GALAXY FM - 100.2 Plays Ugandan songs 130 times per day. Played 1,110 Ugandan songs over 3,905 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
4 | RECORD FM - 97.7 Plays Ugandan songs 149 times per day. Played 807 Ugandan songs over 4,469 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
5 | FACE TV Plays Ugandan songs 140 times per day. Played 767 Ugandan songs over 4,186 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
6 | GALAXY TV Plays Ugandan songs 152 times per day. Played 667 Ugandan songs over 4,558 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
7 | BEAT FM - 96.3 Plays Ugandan songs 179 times per day. Played 395 Ugandan songs over 5,364 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
8 | BUKEDDE TV 2 Plays Ugandan songs 86 times per day. Played 886 Ugandan songs over 2,588 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
9 | KRC - 102.0 Plays Ugandan songs 106 times per day. Played 728 Ugandan songs over 3,193 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
10 | BE TV Plays Ugandan songs 174 times per day. Played 417 Ugandan songs over 5,205 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
11 | NYCE TV Plays Ugandan songs 93 times per day. Played 721 Ugandan songs over 2,785 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
12 | PEARL MAGIC Plays Ugandan songs 77 times per day. Played 797 Ugandan songs over 2,320 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
13 | CBS 2 - 89.2 Plays Ugandan songs 94 times per day. Played 658 Ugandan songs over 2,832 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
14 | SANYUKA TV Plays Ugandan songs 92 times per day. Played 692 Ugandan songs over 2,755 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
15 | BUKEDDE FM - 100.5 Plays Ugandan songs 116 times per day. Played 526 Ugandan songs over 3,495 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
16 | ABS TV Plays Ugandan songs 71 times per day. Played 710 Ugandan songs over 2,135 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
17 | BBS TV Plays Ugandan songs 70 times per day. Played 725 Ugandan songs over 2,102 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
18 | RADIO 4 - 103.3 Plays Ugandan songs 71 times per day. Played 718 Ugandan songs over 2,133 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
19 | KBS TV Plays Ugandan songs 62 times per day. Played 729 Ugandan songs over 1,859 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
20 | BIG FM - 97.6 Plays Ugandan songs 73 times per day. Played 674 Ugandan songs over 2,183 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
21 | MOON TV Plays Ugandan songs 70 times per day. Played 671 Ugandan songs over 2,091 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
22 | BABA TV Plays Ugandan songs 87 times per day. Played 576 Ugandan songs over 2,612 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
23 | MBOONA FM - 107.6 Plays Ugandan songs 86 times per day. Played 586 Ugandan songs over 2,589 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
24 | FORT RADIO - 93.5 Plays Ugandan songs 53 times per day. Played 691 Ugandan songs over 1,580 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
25 | FUFA FM - 102.1 Plays Ugandan songs 90 times per day. Played 551 Ugandan songs over 2,712 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
26 | KAZO FM - 97.8 Plays Ugandan songs 62 times per day. Played 623 Ugandan songs over 1,863 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
27 | XFM - 94.8 Plays Ugandan songs 85 times per day. Played 465 Ugandan songs over 2,546 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
28 | CHAMUKA TV Plays Ugandan songs 71 times per day. Played 553 Ugandan songs over 2,135 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
29 | NEXT RADIO - 106.1 Plays Ugandan songs 88 times per day. Played 446 Ugandan songs over 2,646 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
30 | UBC STAR Plays Ugandan songs 57 times per day. Played 617 Ugandan songs over 1,723 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
31 | KIRUHURA FM - 98.6 Plays Ugandan songs 55 times per day. Played 608 Ugandan songs over 1,647 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
32 | STAR FM - 87.5 Plays Ugandan songs 67 times per day. Played 537 Ugandan songs over 2,012 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
33 | VISION RADIO - 89.1 Plays Ugandan songs 84 times per day. Played 431 Ugandan songs over 2,505 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
34 | RADIO SIMBA - 97.3 Plays Ugandan songs 88 times per day. Played 383 Ugandan songs over 2,655 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
35 | KABALEGA FM - 106.9 Plays Ugandan songs 44 times per day. Played 627 Ugandan songs over 1,307 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
36 | CENTENARY FM - 88.1 Plays Ugandan songs 96 times per day. Played 310 Ugandan songs over 2,872 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
37 | AKABOOZI - 87.9 Plays Ugandan songs 52 times per day. Played 545 Ugandan songs over 1,575 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
38 | BRIDGE FM - 89.8 Plays Ugandan songs 43 times per day. Played 599 Ugandan songs over 1,292 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
39 | SUPER FM - 88.5 Plays Ugandan songs 114 times per day. Played 196 Ugandan songs over 3,426 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs | |
40 | VOICE OF SHEEMA - 90.0 Plays Ugandan songs 47 times per day. Played 558 Ugandan songs over 1,397 times in the last 30 days. See Most Played Songs |